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Turn pages using the arrows or by clicking and dragging the page corners.
Click the left arrow to go back one page.
Click the right arrow to go forward one page.
Click and drag a page corner to turn pages.
Place the cursor over the top arrow to display the Features Panel:
Click on a cover to view that issue.
To scroll up and down in the archive, use either the mouse wheel or the slide bar on the right side of the screen.
Click on the magnifying glass to search the archive; click on a result to go that article in a digital edition. This will open a new tab in the web browser displaying that digital edition and the search results.
That tab can be closed when finished, returning to the search results.
Use the mouse to select option in the pull-down selection boxes.
Click on a page to go that page in the digital edition.
To scroll through the pages, use either the mouse wheel or the slide bar on the right side of the thumbnail window.
Click on the pull-down arrow in the Select Language box to select a language.
Place the cursor over the bottom arrow to display thumbnail images of the pages. Click on a page to go to that page
Click on the left and right arrows to scroll through the thumbnails.
Click on the double arrows to go to the first page or the last page.